The Galloping Gourmet
Hans Demuth, Holiday Inns ; Graham Kerr; Chef Arris Smyrnios, The Skyline Motor Hotel.
Graham Kerr, The Galloping Gourmet was indeed Televisions 1st Celebrity Chef. In the 1960’s and through the 70’s and 80’s his shows captured a world wide audience. Born into a hotel family he traveled to work with Europe’s finest chefs. Among many stints in the kitchens he was Head Chef at The Royal Ascot Hotel. He moved to New Zealand in 1958 and there began his broadcasting career.
In 2003 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate for the Culinary Arts from Johnson and Wales University, Providence, Rhode Island.
During his 1969 National Tour of Canada he was the key- note speaker at the 7th Annual Convention of the Canadian Federation of Chefs de Cuisine at the Seaway Towers Hotel, Toronto. His message was: A National Image for Chefs.
Graham was the first speaker to bring the Convention Delegates to their feet with a standing ovation for his views on the world of cooking.
The following are a few excerpts from his presentation:
He told chefs to get away from Chicken Kiev and other standard palate pamperers that are served around the World and concentrate on Regional and Local delicacies.
“When I worked in the Kitchens of the Savoy Hotel in London, I used to save all the rotten eggs and decayed lettuce to throw at the screen when Britain’s TV chef Phillip Harbin was on. I hated him – so I know exactly how you feel about me!! We must put the fun back into cooking, or we will terrify youngsters out of the finest profession that I know”
Hello!... Beam me up Scotty. … Graham’s message comes to us from forty years past and it still rings true to-day.